Good evening, readers! Back to the blog! This past weekend we enjoyed a very much-needed visit "home" to see my parents in Hattiesburg.
Yes, I still call it "home" even though I have been married for a year-and-a-half. Can any of you relate?! There's nothing like going home to be greeted with a snack and either an ice cold Fresca or Diet Coke with lime from my precious momma; and there's nothing like going home to be squeezed by a big teddy bear hug from my dad; or there's nothing like going home to sleep in the freshly, clean-made sheets on my cloud, soft bed in my old bedroom and being woken up to the fresh smell of coffee brewing and breakfast cooking. My mom never fails to cook a big breakfast when we go home.
If there is one thing I admire about my mom the most is her giving and serving heart. She is constantly looking out for my family and I whether it is cooking us a nice meal or just simply sitting down and taking the time to ask how my sisters, brother, and I are
really doing; and when she does, we tell her because we know she will pray for us. And I'm not just saying one time, my mother is one of the strongest and most devoted prayer warriors I know. She truly
trusts and
believes in the Lords' faithfulness. If we said it once, we said it hundred times this weekend: God is Sovereign over all things. I pray that I will be more
trusting and less doubting and more
faithful and less faithless in all circumstances.
My mom has set such a good example for my sisters, brother, and I, and I pray that I can be half the servant that my mom is to us to other people. A verse that my mom truly does live by and encourages my siblings and I with is this: "Those who sow to please their sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; those who sow to please the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6: 8-9
Okay. I just went off on a big bunny trail, but I definitely had to share that with y'all. I am one
thankful and
blessed daughter.
Back to the weekend: Will and I went down late Friday afternoon and visited with my mom and dad. The four of us later met Will's parents and sister Erin to eat at Robert St. John's new Italian restaurant in Hattiesburg, Tabella. It was a lot of fun for my parents to visit with Will's parents as well as it was to celebrate Will's 24th birthday!
Erin, Will, and I |
On Saturday morning, we slept late, ate a good breakfast, and lounged around the house. Later on, my mom and I went and ran errands. We love getting in the car and just going to look at different places. I found a couple of refreshers for the house including a new fall wreath. I am officially ready for cold weather and FALL! After getting back from running errands, Will and I got ready for a highschool friend of mine's wedding. It was so much fun and beautiful! I had a great time seeing old friends and getting to celebrate Susan and Blake's Wedding Day!
Friends since elementary school: Susan, Whitney and I |
Olivia and I :) |
Laura! Sweet college friend and the groom's cousin. |
My groom :) |
Happily married |
On Sunday, it was Will's 24th birthday! We went to church with my family and then celebrated with a yummy, home-cooked meal and a three berry angel food cake trifle.
We didn't have 24 candles so we used 6. 2+4=6. Get it? Ok. I'll stop now. |
Mom, Hannah, and I |
Me and the Birthday Man! I can't say Birthday Boy any more because he is old. JK. |
One of the presents I got Will for his birthday was a fire-pit. Can you tell I'm ready for fall?! We are really excited about having friends over and using it when the weather cools off. This probably won't be for another two months or so, but it gives us something to look forward to, right? We are both so ready for Mississippi State football and fall weather. Not to mentioned how excited I am about scarves, tights, and boots season! Ahh...
Ok, so this post was filled with lots of bunny trails, but that's kindof what you do when you blog, right? Get your thoughts down. If you have a blog and I'm not following it already, leave a comment with your blog name! Y'all have a good night and thanks as always for reading! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend as well!